Frequently Asked Questions

YOU are the Client - Person in Charge (PIC) of the session.

👉 Your job is to:

• Tell your Coach about medications, appropriate medical conditions/procedures

• Take as much weight as possible, it should be “eye popping” not eye popping out

• Tell your Coach “Stop” when the weight they add to you is enough

• Tell your Coach if there’s a little better spot to apply the weight to nearby

• Stretch INTO painful areas-don’t avoid them

• ALL stretches are slow and deliberate

• Breathe normally-don’t hold your breath

• Keep your eyes open at all times

• Keep your back relaxed at all times-or it may get sore

• Follow the directions you are given to stretch most effectively

• Your Coach will ask you “What happened?” after stretching. Is it better/worse/about the same? Your feedback helps your Coach know what to do next for best results. This also helps you be more empowered to really think about what DID happen. If you feel worse-tell them-they can unwind what was just done. Honesty is the only policy here.

The Rossiter Stretching Coach/Coach is the trained professional working with you.

👉 Their job is:

• Apply weight to the appropriate area for best results

• Stop with the weight when you say, “stop”

• Guide you to do the stretches correctly

• Encourage you to do your best-sometimes with a raised, encouraging “Coach like” voice

• Keep you focused and using a proper lock for best results

• Observe you for changes in body appearance/movement

What is Locking?

Locking makes every technique a whole body stretch-it engages huge volumes of connective tissue in as many dimensions as possible while you stretch. It is important to maintain your lock as you work. This gives you better and longer lasting results from your workout. Your Coach will explain details before you begin.

What do I do after my workout?

• Go for at least a short walk with your arms swinging freely at your sides right away. This helps integrate the stretches you’ve just done into your body.

• Drink plenty of water. Soreness after a workout is often due to dehydration.

• DO NOT use hot or cold packs. Stretching on your own is much better.

• You might be sore and/or bruise. This can be expected, but usually doesn’t occur.

• DO NOT go beyond what is normal for you for 48 hours. This gives your body time to integrate all the changes Rossiter achieves. Lifting more weight than normal, deeper yoga poses, and starting a new physical activity are examples of going beyond what is normal for you.

• If you’ve had a pain/mobility condition for a long time, it may take longer for results to be apparent, or the sooner the issue may return.(it might be the same day) This simply means that more Rossiter Stretches are needed.

• Rossiter in a short time is better than Rossiter spread over time to resolve ingrained problems. If one session gave you some results, you are on track to get more results and longer relief with future sessions.

• Rossiter for preventive maintenance is best, just like changing the oil in your car.

Consider monthly workouts (or sooner if symptoms return) to stay pain free and mobile. When symptoms return, you’ve waited too long for another session.